mandag den 9. marts 2009

100 Useful Tips and Tools to Research the Deep Web

Eksperter vurderer, at Google, Yahoo og andre almindelige søgemaskiner højst finder 1 % af de rlevante informationsressourcer på nettet.
Alisa Miller, online college blog, har samlet en ordnet og annoteret liste over gode søgeværktøjer. Der er links til:

Meta-Search Engines
Semantic Search Tools and Databases
General Search Engines and Databases
Academic Search Engines and Databases
Scientific Search Engines and Databases
Custom Search Engines
Collaborative Information and Databases

venlig hilsen Lotte

onsdag den 7. januar 2009

Mobile teknologier

Jacob Vind har i projektet Mobile Probes' wiki samlet en række links til mobile webservices. Spændende - og relevante for biblioteker, både i forhold til teknologisk innovation og som objekter for læringsaktiviteter.

Eksempler på ideer til services:
Kunne biblioteker deltage i noget, der ligner og understøtte brugernes informationskompetence og teknologi-læring?
Kunne biblioteker blive rated på en service som og være synlige på ?
Eller kunne biblioteker levere indhold til ?
Andre interessante ressourcer:
mpire. A new mobile application from Mpire, a provider of tools and services to help anyone start, run and grow a successful business on eBay, offers on-the-go research that instantly shows how well specific items will sell on eBay. Mpire™ Researcher Mobile, developed for Mpire by mFoundry, a leading mobile application publisher and platform provider, is based on the company’s popular web-based Mpire™ Researcher, and is now available as a free trial.

CellufunMobile Games Community

Friendster. With more than 75 million members worldwide, Friendster is a leading global online social network. Friendster is focused on helping people stay in touch with friends and discover new people and things that are important to them. Online adults, 18 and up, choose Friendster to connect with friends, family, school, social groups, activities and interests. Friendster prides itself in delivering an easy-to-use, friendly and interactive environment where users can easily connect with anyone around the world via and from any Internet-ready mobile device.

Live Journal. LiveJournal is an online journaling community, where people from around the world share stories, discuss topics and keep in touch with friends. It's a free service that you can use for meeting people and creating bonds through writing and sharing.

Se hele listen på Mobile Probes:

tirsdag den 25. november 2008

Cookibook - IT i biblioteker - en guldgrube af links og tips, også om gaming

The MaintainIT Project gather stories from public libraries on how they support public computers and publish their tips and techniques in Cookbooks and articles, available for FREE on the project web site. The Project works with libraries throughout the U.S. and Canada, sharing stories from the field so librarians can learn from each other.
MaintainIT is a project of TechSoup, ( a nonprofit with extensive experience helping other nonprofits use technology effectively. TechSoup works closely with community technology centers (CTCs) that offer access to public computers and have many of the same issues as public libraries. Techsoup Stock ( has distributed over 2.5 million donated and discounted products to nonprofits and public libraries, freeing more than $600 million dollars for other uses.

onsdag den 1. oktober 2008


Zotero er en open source browser, som også giver mulighed for at brugeren kan organisere og integrere dokumenter og webressourcer.
Zotero bliver flot anmeldt på andre blogs, bl.a. af Stephen Lighthouse, som bl.a. skriver: Zotero offers an advanced way to teach great academic research and information literacy and ethics....7 things you should know about Zotero

Jeg har installeret Zotero, men synes det er vanskeligt at se den store fidus. Jeg bruger jo også ... og har måske mindre lyst eller behov for at redigere en omfattende samling af dokumenter og webressourcer i et program. Er der andre, som har prøvet Zotero?

torsdag den 14. august 2008

Multiply - alternativ til Facebook og Myspace

Multiply roses for bedre muligheder for at styre adgang og notificering.
Man kan definere forskellige grupper: 'Colleagues', 'Family', 'Friends' etc.
Men er der nogen, der bruger Multiply? - det giver ikke mening af bruge et socialt netværk, hvis man er alene, vel?

onsdag den 16. juli 2008

Lively - Google åbner 3D univers med avatarer

Google Adds Third Dimension to Online Social Relationships – artikel i Network World:
Google has entered another space with the launch of Lively. The platform lets users create and personalize their own character, so-called avatars, and their own rooms…Users are able to create a room, and embed it with their web site or blog….Lively is a tool for creating 3D social spaces on Web sites, but it is only available in a public beta test.

Google plejer at udvikle spændende, brugbare ting, så jeg ville gerne undersøge funktionen - forstår ikke helt, hvordan det kan integreres. Bare det at få det til at virke er bøvlet.
Er der andre læsere af denne blog, som har forsøgt sig med lively?

10 gratis programmer på nettet

I USA today er der en artikel af Kim Komando, hvor hun præsenterer 10 gratis programmer.

Tuz Paint – open source tegneprogram for børn

Avidemux – video redigeringsprogram

NVU - webside redigeringsprogram, WYSIWYG

Pdf forge – program, som kan lave pdf-filer

Scribus Open Source Desktop Publishing

Gimp – billedredigeringsprogram

Inkscape – open source grafikprogram, svarende til corel draw,

Open Office – alternativ til officepakken:

Mozilla’s emailprogram: Thunderbird

Mozialla’s Calender-add-on: Sunbird:

De ser jo fine ud – men er der nogen i biblioteket, som har erfaringer med nogen af programmerne?